My snippets are segmented (on preferred language). So marketers always need to position (left and top) when adding new snippets to a landing page. For images however, they can just swap the existing image on the landing page by pressing the gear icon. No repositioning needed. But this is not the case for snippets.
You would have to delete existing snippets and drag in new snippets. Which result in having to set left and top for every segment. We have 8 languages and ussally 8 snippets with relevant content on thank you pages. This results in having position 8x8=64 snippets for top and left. so 128 values.
Deleting old snippets, dragging in new snippets and position all 8 of them takes about 20 seconds each, so 21 minutes of work. Whilst just swapping snippets would just take 1 minute. Saving 20 minutes per thank you page. And we already built about 200 of those in the past months. So it wil save hundreds of hours.