When sorting emails in Design Studio, include the date of draft emails as well - currently it only applies to last ACTIVE date

When sorting emails in Design Studio, include the date of draft emails as well - currently it only applies to last ACTIVE date

Often times, we'll make a series of updates to many emails at once - and then find it easier to just mass-select these emails (in Design Studio) to re-approve them all at once.  We had hoped to use the "Last Updated" column to sort the emails that were updated most recently.  But we just found out that the last update date reflects the APPROVED email - and doesn't consider the draft emails.  So if you make a change to an approved email today (that was last approved back in December 2014), the "last update" date will still show up as December 2014.  It would be more useful to include the date that any modification was mode - including those still in draft mode.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Having a better way to show the "affected" items when you make an update would be very beneficial.
Level 10
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas