Wait step Must End On during business hours

Wait step Must End On during business hours

I have seen a few questions on the discussion forum and have been wondering about it myself. When you set up a wait step with a duration you can set the "must end on" for a specific moment. Using this duration often has the purpose to make sure an email is sent within business hours. Setting the must end on to the beginning of business hours (e.g. Mon-Fri at 7AM) means every email in that flow will be sent at 7AM, but that is not always what you want.

It would be great if you could specify to "wait one hour and the wait step must end between Mon-Fri 7AM-5PM".

1 Comment
Level 2

This would be an amazing resource for those with more personalized emails. If I get an email that has been personalized, at 3 am...I'm calling BS, ya know. Now if I get a personalized email at 2pm or within business operating hours... now you've piqued my curiosity