Use Segmenations for Email Subject Lines

Use Segmenations for Email Subject Lines

Segmenting content in emails is great - but it would be even greater if the subject lines could change along with content - for instance we do a lot of white paper emails - and if we could customize the subject lines by the prospects' industry, that could be an easy win.
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Hi Ashley,

I might be misunderstanding what you are asking for, but I believe you can already do this.

As long as you have segmentation for industry, you can just drag the subject line (in the right hand side of the email editor screen) down into the dynamic area. Then you can make the subject line say different things for different industries.
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I have a similar requirement but not with segmentation. We have several whitepapers available and I want to change the email subject line depending on which whitepaper was selected. This isn't segmentation because there maybe several whitepapers a lead may download.
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I know segmentation can already be applied to subject lines, you just need to create the proper segmentations first. Here's a helpful resource on the topic:

As for HOzawa's question, you might want to look at having your whitepapers broken into separate programs. Set your whitepaper names and links as program tokens ("My Tokens"), and then reference them in your email. So in other words, your emails will look like this:

Subject Line: Thank you for downloading {{my.Resource Name}}

Body: Click here <{{my.resource link}}> to download!

Then, depending on which whitepaper program triggered the email to send, the tokens will automatically populate with the correct whitepaper info. It doesn't have anything to do with the segmentation idea above, but it's an idea. 
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Thanks Jeff, I'll try your suggestion.

Tried it. Seems to be working OK. This is what I did.
1. Create a Campaign Folder. Defined My Tokens on Campaign Folder
2. Create a Program to hold my email. Used My Tokens I've defined in Campaign Folder in my email.
3. Create Programs for each Whitepaper and Defined My Tokens on Program overwriting tokens I've defined in Campaign Folder
4. Create Smart Campaign under each Program with Flow containing to send email defined in step 2.

Thanks again.
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thank you - I never tried dragging tokens over to the subject area - seems intuitive now!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it