Testers or proofers of test emails and landing pages should not count on campaign and program reports


Testers or proofers of test emails and landing pages should not count on campaign and program reports

My campaign and program reports are always inaccurate because when my email proof readers test the email for the call to action link, usually taking them to the landing page, it adds them to the success stats.  They are also added to the status of progression reports that I create and it's so misleading.  Is there a way that if a test email is sent to testers, do not include the end result in the campaign, program reports or status in progression.
Not applicable
In the reports' smart list, we exclude leads based on email address, etc.that matches our testers.  We also change the progression status of any testers in programs to "Not in program".  Also when testing, we use temporary / bogus email addresses when filling out forms, etc. and delete these test leads after the testing, which also removes them from reports, etc.
Level 10
Thanks for the suggestion Elliot.  I almost missed this.  I've been doing the first 2 things that you suggested, but I haven't tried the last part.  That's a good idea. 
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it