Sync Priority Control for SFDC Integration

Sync Priority Control for SFDC Integration

As a customer, I do not have the ability to prioritize certain programs/campaigns/data syncs over others. This creates a backlog of data syncs which can cause delay in our prospect trial experience.

For example, an email send is proiritized by Marketo over a new trial form fill out. This causes big problems when a prospect fills out our trial form and gets pushed down into a queue awaiting SFDC sync (basically our entire flow is paused until it gets pushed through). This has a significant impact on our business.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Where does one go to see the sync priority and/or queue?
Not applicable
I assume you are referring to the Campaign Queue in Marketing Activities. Within the Triggers section, if you want to prioritize something (a green up arrow instead of a yellow slanted arrow or a blue down arrow), put in a fake email step. All of my lead syncing programs have a step at the end to Send Email, but there is a choice that says if the lead's email address matches my personal email address, send some bogus email, otherwise do nothing.

It appears that the email step prioritizes it above everything else even if it doesn't really do anything.
Not applicable
Yes, we added in an email step to help prioritize some of our more important campaigns, however we send a LOT of emails so it hasn't alleviated the problem.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas