Provide more frequency options for report subscriptions


Provide more frequency options for report subscriptions

Currently we're limited to the following frequency when defining report subscriptions:

  • Daily
  • Every Mon-Sun
  • First of the Month

We also send out quarterly reports to our field marketers.  Unfortunately, we need to continue to send these out manually since quarterly isn't an option (in fact, we would need to define a custom quarter since our fiscal year is different than the calendar year).

Level 7

I would also love the ability to send something every other week.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Or even the ability to schedule a one-time report within a program (or report asset within a program).  This is standard procedure for us - after 5 days of sending out a batch email, send email performance report to the marketer.  Now, we have to remember to do this manually.

Level 5

Bumping this back up, was this ever looked at? The report subscription frequencies are too static, more options are needed for the flexibility of dates and end dates.

Smart List subscriptions offer an end date but I think all report subscriptions should offer this too.

Not applicable

I would like the option to schedule the delivery of the reports the same way we can schedule a program - by day of the month (i.e. 17th of the month).

Level 10

I would like the option to schedule the delivery of the reports where you can do it every 2 weeks or other week, or the 1st and 15th of the month, 1st of the month, monthly or even quarterly. We definitely have a need for all of the options I mentioned.

Level 2

I would love the option to send twice a day, at specific times.

Level 2

We need quarterly reports! Robust frequency options seems like a no-brainer.

Level 1

I know this is an older discussion so just wondering if there have been updates made can you dictate when a report is beign sent i.e. time of day? Currently a report is snet at 6 AM EST but we would like to change that time if possible. 

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas