Personalization Targeting Based off Smart Lists and Campaign ID's

Personalization Targeting Based off Smart Lists and Campaign ID's

I have received several requests from team members to create Real Time Personalization campaigns that target members of particular Marketo programs and smart lists. I think it would be a great feature in RTP to be able to edit the segmentation in an RTP campaigns to target based on membership of smart lists and programs.

Currently the only way we have to target individuals who are part of a campaign is if there is a unique lead field that correlates to their membership in a particular program.

This ability to target based off of smart lists and Campaign ID's would enable the RTP user to personalize the experience of domain visitors who are members of particular product area smart lists, registration smart lists, subscriber lists, etc.

These campaigns could be utilized to serve up product specific content to leads who have been identified as having a specific interest in a product via their inclusion in a smart list or campaign/program.

This Campaign ID and smart list targeting could be used to target and personalize a visitors experience in many different and creative ways, but most of all I think this functionality would allow us to utilize our Marketo campaign information to increase the personalization on our domains.

Level 10

This is already available to some extent now. When setting a segment, you have the option to target based off of Marketo Email Campaign. This allows you to specifically target leads that are members of a smart campaign or an Email Program that have sent an email. It's not available for members of smart lists since that would require far too much data passing back and forth whenever leads touch a web page and need to match a segment (the smart list would also have to recalculate every time even if that line of communication was open), but it is available for Email Programs and smart campaigns that have sent emails.

Two things to note:

1. The Email Program / Smart Campaign needs to be identified by name, not by ID number.

2. The leads need to click a link in the email sent by this Email Program / Smart Campaign before they will be able to match

Here's the documentation that shows how to set this up:

Take a look about two thirds of the way down for the section on "Marketo Email Campaign".

Not applicable

Hi Mike,

Thank you for passing this link along. I have been eager to utilize this segmentation function and this link allows me to understand more about its ability to target certain campaign members.

I think it is that second note that we are trying to work around.

"2. The leads need to click a link in the email sent by this Email Program / Smart Campaign before they will be able to match"

Is there anyway we could target the members of these Email Programs / Smart Campaigns without them having to click on a link in an email they received?

Level 10

I need to correct my previous comment. A new feature allows the segment to match based off of program/campaign membership alone through the Marketo--RTP integration. It's best to have the lead click through the email to a page that has both the Munchkin and RTP scripts running on them in order to get them cookied properly, but the RTP segment will read program/campaign membership now without the lead having clicked the link

Not applicable

I spent a month with support trying to fix this after our rep told me it was a feature. Turns out it isn't.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas