Offer SFTP access to Marketo file storage

Offer SFTP access to Marketo file storage

With the event of Guided LPs, the forms 2.0 APIS etc... we have to manipulate more and more web files (css to handle responsive frameworks, fonts, scripts, images, ...) and tend to use web development tools, which standard file exchange system is FTP or, better SFTP.

It would be much more efficient if we could have an SFTP access to the file storage.

For security reasons, the admin would be able to set SFTP users (a permission would be needed) and also at any point in time could enable or disable the SFTP functionality for the whole instance or for a given workspace. The admin could also activate the SFTP for a period of time, at the end of which it would deactivate automatically.

And also the folder structure would need to be real, not just virtual, reflecting the folder structure in the instance.

For instance, I would like my font file URL to be : instead of


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

I think this would be better handled by placing these on your web server and not Marketo. You are asking Marketo to function more like a CMS and I'm not sure that's 1) good or 2) where they really want to be.

Level 10

Hi Josh,

That's correct, it's kind of a CMS functionality. But we have often projects were we have a hard time on-boarding the people from the web site (they belong to Communication Department, while Marketo is owned by the Marketing/lead gen dept, and each of them seems to see the other as a competitor rather than a friend). They make some difficulties with embedding munchkin codes and usually it becomes "difficult"   when we ask access to the CMS file system to store specific CSS, JS or font files.

So we end up uploading these files in Marketo, which works very well, but gets upsetting when you start to have to modify them to correct glitches on the templates.


Level 10

Another use case for this is to enable to download the files, for instance for backup.


Not applicable

There are many cases where the agency may not fully control/have access to the client's website where this could be useful. Clients are often very hesitant to storing any data on a server that they don't own as well.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas