More Role Permissions Flexibility + built-in approval mechanism


More Role Permissions Flexibility + built-in approval mechanism

My company has almost 30 Marketo users with varying degrees of skill/experience, and in multiple countries.  While we do a good job of sharing resources and best practices training, I would love more flexibility as an Admin to dictate where certain assets can/cannot be built.

For example, I would like our users to be able to build emails and landing pages in Marketing Activities and only use Design Studio for templates and uploading images, but if I turn off emails and landing pages as a permission it turns it off system-wide.  

Another wish list item for me would be for some users to "request manager approval" at the schedule campaign tab, rather than just being able to schedule it (or not at all).

At present, I feel like our best (only?) option is to constantly have internal meetings on approved processes, and the more we scale the more imperative it becomes to have a solution on the platform as opposed to just an internal process.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
We have over 50 users across our global organization. So having a more flexible permissions model is key (along with some sort of workflow/approval capabilities). In the short term, I'd really like to see the ability to apply folder level permissions in addition to the role based permissions. We have 24 workspaces and some of our users need access to some of the programs in our global/default workspace. But that also gives them access to our admin folder that contains instance-wide programs like our lead lifecycle, lead scoring and data management campaigns.
Not applicable
I agree with the need for an approvals workflow whole-heartedly.  While this can be managed manually within our permissions - the ability to automatically make an asset available for review to designated reviewer(s) would make life much eaiser.  I've had multiple requests for this and it would be well received.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

just want to jump on this train. Was about to post the exact. same. idea. Would LOVE this functionality!

Level 7

I agree that it would be great to have more flexible role permissions! Our events team uses Marketo minimally, however I need them to be able to pull their own reporting for their programs. I would love to be able to give them access to only see specific program channels (aka, all programs in the Live Event channel).

Level 9

Extending beyond that, it'd be great to be able to administer things like letting certain users or roles bypass field blocking updates and not others.

Not applicable

For Marketo to really have true Enterprise-level admin flexibility, I think it's crucial long-term to see some of these things come to fruition. I think the end game, to some extent, could/should be to emulate the roles/profiles/permission sets setup of SFDC, to allow for greatest degree of control.

Level 9

Yup, that's what I was alluding to.

Not applicable

Piggybacking on this, I created an idea to restrict permissions even further -

Level 9

Please do this Marketo! Not having an approval process is a huge drawback.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas