Modify the .htaccess file in order to cache page headers


Modify the .htaccess file in order to cache page headers

Please vote for this new product feature. We'd like to access and modify the .htaccess file in order to cache our page headers. As a global enterprise company, this feature will decrease page load speed and increase overall page performance for regions outside of the US, especially in China, or wherever the MKTO server is located as repetitive, static content/files in our headers would not have to be loaded new every time a page is visited.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

"Cache our page headers" probably isn't what you mean.

The caching HTTP headers (​Max-Age, ​ETag, If-None-Match, ​and related) on a main document don't apply to assets loaded within the document. Those assets need to have their own ​caching related headers: a main document with a far-future expiry won't stop its inner <script> and <link> assets from reloading from the origin, for example.

If granular control is a concern, you should serve your Marketo LPs + assets via your own CDN.  I wouldn't expect Marketo to allow you to tweak HTTPd-level settings (also note the .htaccess hidden​ file ​is just an Apache convention and isn't the only way to manage cache behavior).

You should also turn on this Treasure Chest feature:


And remember that personalized LP content, for reasons that should be obvious, cannot be cached.

Level 10

In addition to the feature Sanford mentioned, we're actually rolling out even more robust nginx caching for all customers. I don't have a timeframe but shouldn't be too long before it's fully deployed.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it