Marketo Sky: Improve Velocity Setup and Display from Tokens Written in Classic UI

Marketo Sky: Improve Velocity Setup and Display from Tokens Written in Classic UI

I've been increasingly toying around with Marketo Sky to see if it's worth switching over for certain activities, and recently went to edit an existing token I had made in the Classic UI a day or two ago. When I go to review that token, I get the following:

FireShot Capture 931 - Marketo Sky -

Setting aside the codeblock piece (which normally isn't exposed), I'm a bit disappointed that line breaks aren't respected (they just render as \n without the editor actually creating a new line). This also prevents the syntax highlighter from working correctly. Now, if I make a script token in the Sky UI and then go back to Classic UI, everything's fine and formatting is preserved. This appears to only be an issue when translating from Classic to Sky.

This is a bit of a shame, because the script editor seems to be faster (when you have many custom objects) and more reliable in Sky, but having to edit a ton of scripts to just get them to work in both sides is a bit of a pain.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Can we just say "Velocity Script Editor in Sky is broken"?

'Cuz that's the way I'd put it, given that it seems to read the token from the API and not realize it's supposed to, like, parse the JSON.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas