Maketo should provide an unstyled version of From 2.0, and let user customize class of each element

Maketo should provide an unstyled version of From 2.0, and let user customize class of each element

Form 2.0 comes with several themes but none of them matches or work well with our brand. When I use the embedding code to load a form to a page, it loads the style from Marketo as well. I had to write a lot of CSS code to overwirte the styles applied to the form.

Marketo's approach makes form creation easier for non-designer and non-technical users, but it a world where design and branding are huge drivers of conversion, allowing developer to add custom class to form elements so they become compatable with CSS framework like Bootstrap and foundtation can save a lot of production time across industry, no to mention pushing Marketo's reach to companies and take brand and creative as piority.

If for any reason allowing custom class is a technical challenge and security risk, at least provide a unstyle version so developers don't have to spend so much time on overwriting existing CSS styles.
Not applicable
I love this idea. My company uses Bootstrap and I would love to be able to customize our forms so they better blend into our site design and CSS. Hoping this happens!
Not applicable
Marketo seems to make everything more difficult for developers. I spend way too much time overwriting the huge stylesheet and inline styles that the form spits out. There should be a blank version that only has classes in it (or allow us to add our own classes) that we can add our own styles to.
Not applicable

I suggested something similar, but a bit more expansive, in

(data-attribute and aria- attributes as well as classes).

But no action for years, despite it neither breaking backwards compatibility nor being especially difficult to implement. There's already code that emits class names, having it emit one or two extra names is simply adding to an existing list (or string, depnding upon implementation detail).

Seems like Marketo is more interested in controlling what you can do with its tools than helping you do what you need (or simply want) to do.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas