Improvements to Marketo Sales Insight (MSI)


Improvements to Marketo Sales Insight (MSI)

We are using MSI on both lead/contact objects and feel for the tool (MSI) to be useful on the account object the following improvements would be useful;

Ability to categorise interesting moments, this would be especially useful under the account view - What I mean here is specifically being able to 'roll-up' specific interesting moments under certain campaigns/programs that have been launched AND/OR the ability to filter and 'roll-up' certain categories of interesting moments perhaps using tags or key words

Ability to segment  data on a date range

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Some additional ideas well:

Marketo Employee

Hi Josh, I'd like to hear more about the intended use case of rolling up specific interesting moment. Would you be interested in hopping on a call to discuss this further? 

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas