Global form validation rules - work around / exclude certain form like unsubscribe form

Global form validation rules - work around / exclude certain form like unsubscribe form

Need to be able to exlude web pages from global rules copy.jpg

 For all the "non developers" or people who do not have access to a web developer in their team

Can we have the option to exclude some web pages on a "global rule" for a form.

For example, we get leads who provided their @gmail, @hotmail, @yahoo or another free email address to us at events or sales reps sneak them into Salesforce. We prefer to collect company email addresses for our company.

We send the lead promotional emails, although when this lead wants to unsubscribe, the unsubscribe form won't accept their @gmail, @hotmail, @yahoo or another free email address.

The lead can then say we are not conforming to GDPR rules or spam laws for their county, or they can make a complaint to our legal team.

I want to exclude some forms from the global validation rule.

OR if there is a solution that is native to Marketo (ie don't need a web developer to create a piece of code) please let me know!

4. We have a form validation rule to stop leads from suppling free email addresses.png

1 Comment
Level 1

You can disable the Global Form Validation Rules in the Form Settings for your Unsubscribe form.