Forms 2.0 - Option to Disable Default Styles


Forms 2.0 - Option to Disable Default Styles

There's a lot of discussion on the community around Marketo Forms, overwriting/customizing styles, and getting them to play nicely.

I think it'd be extremely helpful if Marketo implemented an option to disable ​all default styles on a form, so that it's much easier to add your own styles without having to overwrite all of Marketo's in the process.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Probably won't get better than this: MktoForms2 :: Destyle Marketo Form

That code literally disables all styles so you do not have to use the CSS cascade or !important at all.

Not applicable

Thanks for sharing that script. I've actually seen that used a few times before, and it does appear to do the trick.

What I'm hoping is that Marketo could implement this functionality natively, as many marketers don't have the development experience (or, frankly, the time) to set this up themselves. Marketo already comes with a handful of form themes, so adding another with no styling whatsoever seems like a quick win.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

The quickness of the win has no bearing on the likelihood of development, though.

Not applicable

Haha Yes - That's probably the best way to approach all ideas

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas