Form styling features should be deactivated or subject to a role.

Form styling features should be deactivated or subject to a role.

Situation: you created some marvelous templates and added all the required CSS to manage the form endering, yet a "smart user" gets into Marketo and modify the CSS of the form in the form editor, changes the default font, etc... breaking all your work.

It would be interesting to be able to deactivate all form styling features, starting with the choice of the theme and continuing with the form font and size, as well as the label position and continuiing with the form custom CSS. A simple checkbox in the admin would suffice.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

+1, but this won't stop people from adding form styles to the template (happened to me yesterday!).

Level 10

I am often fighting to limit which roles are entitled to editing templates, and make sure they are assigned to people who understand the impacts...

Level 10

Hi Sanford,

You might appreciate this one too: and this one:


Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas