Folder structure for Images & Files?


Folder structure for Images & Files?

I would love to be able to organize my images into folders please!  As this list grows and grows it would be incredibly helpful. Is there a reason this has not been implimented?
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You can...Maybe not in exactly the same way you're thinking, but if you select the folder where your image(s) are currently stored, you can drag those images into any other Image folder in the left rail.
Level 10
I organize my images and other files by folders.  You should be able to do do this now.  
Level 10
you can also sort by visual type (search = .jpg / pdf ). Like Michelle I am sorting my visuals by folders and I am using the archive feature too for old visuals or visuals we don't often use
Level 10
Also, something that Cecile pointed out a while back is that you can view the images in thumbnail view.  Thanks for mentioning the archive feature, because I forget it's there. 
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Thank you all so much. I appreciate all of your answers. Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to impliment any of them. Maybe our admin needs to change something? At the moment, the only option I have for uploading an image is into an "Images and Files" area. In the left hand column this icon looks like a little hard drive or server.

From there I don't seem to have any options of moving anything (or draging to another folder)  or creating folders.

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Hi David,

Did you try right-clicking on that hard drive icon? When I do that I get a little menu that asks if I'd like to create a new folder. If that doesn't work, it may be a permission error after all. I have admin rights so it's hard to tell.

The good news is that it is possible to use folders! (And that moving your images into them for organizational purposes doesn't actually seem to change the URL at which they are hosted.)

Hope that helps!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it