Leverage Calendar Token as Image URL

Leverage Calendar Token as Image URL

It would be nice if you could leverage the new calendar token as a link from an image.

I like to have a big 'Add to Calendar' button on my webinar thank you page, that links to an ICS file.

Right now the calendar token has to be used in text, but it would be nice to simply leverage that token as a link behind an image.
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Where can I find this if Marketo already has it?

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One can use HTML in the Hyperlink Text field (ex. <img src="IMAGE URL">), but that is only applicable if the program requires one type of image.

i.e. if you want to have both an "add to calendar" button on a landing page AND as an email banner, it won't work. 😞
Not applicable
Actually I found a way around this...

Put the token in text on the page. 
Send Yourself the email. (through a campaign - not a Sample or test)
Right-Click on the text link for the token
Select copy URL.
Go back into edit your email.
Paste the hyperlink you copied into the image URL.
Voila.  Now you can have an image with a link to the ics file behind it.

We do this daily.

Hope it helps!
Not applicable
Brilliant! Thanks, Angela!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it