Filter Clusters

Filter Clusters

It would be pretty cool if you could create groups for filters. I mean a number of filters that you use together consistently. Ex. I always add Email Suspended, Marketing Suspended, Email Invaild, Unsubscribed, and Email Address to every list we use to blast. It would be nice if I could create a filter group called "High Deliverability" or something like that, drag and drop, then have all 5 filters be there.
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In lieu of this feature, I actually accomplish this through creating a handful of frequently-referenced smart lists. For example, I have one called "Eligible for Mailings" in which I have all the deliverability filters contained in it. I then just reference that whenever I'm building smart campaigns, and it helps ensure I never forget a critical filter.
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I am with Jeff, in lieu, create some smart lists that already have those filters all in place. I have exactly the same smart list for filtering out people who can't receive emails.

(i voted for ya. 🙂 )
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Agree with all...we actually do the same using smart campaigns and custom fields.

For your example, you could create a custom field called "Suppress" or something like that, and then in your smart campaign have a triggers for each:  marketing suspended, unsubscribed, invalid etc, then in the flow change the custom field "Supress" to true, so next time you go to send an email all you have to do is say "supress if false" and your done.

This actually allows Marketo to calculate smart lists and smart campaigns much faster because you are not referencing another smart list that also needs to calculate...instead it is looking at a single data field that is either true or false.

We have dozens of custom "filter clusters" that we create for this and use in a number of ways on a daily basis.

Excellent topic!
Not applicable
Agree with all...we actually do the same using smart campaigns and custom fields.

For your example, you could create a custom field called "Suppress" or something like that, and then in your smart campaign have a triggers for each:  marketing suspended, unsubscribed, invalid etc, then in the flow change the custom field "Supress" to true, so next time you go to send an email all you have to do is say "supress if false" and your done.

This actually allows Marketo to calculate smart lists and smart campaigns much faster because you are not referencing another smart list that also needs to calculate...instead it is looking at a single data field that is either true or false.

We have dozens of custom "filter clusters" that we create for this and use in a number of ways on a daily basis.

Excellent topic!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas