Engagement Entry Exit Controller


Engagement Entry Exit Controller

(I didn't see this on the list)

Many of us have noted that to manage the entry-exit of a lead into an Engagement takes some logic. For a basic system, we just create a smart campaign "Add to Engagement" and drop the people into the Stream. That works.

For Exit, people can become Exhausted or you can manually remove people using another smart campaign when the conditions are met.

But what if you have 5 Engagements and you want to shift people around while avoiding having a lead in more than one Engagement? Then you need a basic form of a traffic cop (don't say it!).  

The best case I can think of is I have 5 nurtures:
  1. -Generic
  2. -Product 1
  3. Product 2
  4. Product 3
  5. Product 4
And if some value changes (product interest), then move out of Generic to Product X. I'm sure this applies to Early, Mid, Late as well.

The traffic cop says

-Does this lead qualify for nurturing?
-If so, is the lead already in nurturing?
-If not, then place in X nurture based on criteria. If so, then pull out and place in different (or do nothing).

What if we had a dashboard on the Engagement or elsewhere that helped do this?

-Existing Engagements: Criteria to Enter/Criteria to Exit and place into Stream X
-Change Engagement on Trigger(s)
-Set to Pause on X reason for each Engagement (or all)
-Allow lead to be in more than 1 Engagement?

Each part would request a trigger or smart list membership.
Not applicable
I have a traffic cop.  It is far simpler than the traffic cop I used a year ago with 9 nurturing streams, but still a traffic cop.
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Status changed to: Open Ideas