Email editor 2.0: enable dynamic content in the preheader

Email editor 2.0: enable dynamic content in the preheader

With the new editor, the preheader has been completely redesigned. It's now editable as part of the email properties. The drawback is that there is no way to make it dynamic. This is an issue, especially of one wants to use the dynamic content to manage multiple languages.

So, please Marketo, please make the preheader able to support segmentation based dynamic content in the pre-header.


P.S: the workaround is to set the preheader as an editable section in the email, and not use, but in the case, the user may make an error and enter in 2 places. See

Not applicable

I'd be happy if we could simply allow tokens in the pre-header.

Level 10

Hi Sam,

then vote here:


Not applicable

Voted. Thanks

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Level 1

I second the need for dynamic content in the pre-header text field. As a B2B company that supports a high number of multi-language emails for a global audience where scale is critical, implementing dynamic content in the pre-header text will allow us to create more relevant and actionable marketing emails (at scale) for customers and prospects globally. 

Level 1

We do a lot of emails where language is the segmentation.  For these dynamic emails, we aren't able to use the pre-header settings because it would be in the wrong language for most of our audience. This enhancement would bring a lot of benefit to us.