Drag/drop to change choice order in flow steps


Drag/drop to change choice order in flow steps


It would be good to be able to drag/drop the order of choices in flow steps.We often have to use several choices in flow steps, and these can often change. Currently when you add a new choice into the exisitng flow step, it puts the choice at the top, above all previous options, when sometimes you want to place it in the middle.

As the order of the choices is so important, it would be great to be able to easily drag and srop these to edit the order of the choices. Currently there is a lot of copy, pasting and checking to make sure they are all in the correct order, and can often lead to errors.

Just an idea, and for me soemthing that would save a lot of time.
Level 7
Not sure if you're aware, but there is the ability to move them up/down or put them exactly in the order you want them. It's not drag & drop, but it's not too tedious, either - at least compared to how it used to be. Have you seen this?


Not applicable
I did not know that! Thanks Amy, thats going to be so useful 🙂
Level 6

THANK YOU. You just saved me a million hours!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it