Distinguish between Add and Update of Custom Object, have Update Trigger

Distinguish between Add and Update of Custom Object, have Update Trigger

Right now all custom object inserts and updates are considedered "Add to CustomObject"

It would be great if the update of an existing CustomObject was differentiated as an "Update to CustomObject" and a Update trigger was added.

Right now, rules to enter a drip are built off the "Added to CustomObject" the problem is that even an update triggers this when it shouldn't and therefore it is possible for a user to get the same drip twice after we update the Object.  We've tried to architect our data around this to ensure it doesn't happen, but a Update vs Add would solve this.

Level 10

I have tried to use the history table, but that would not fly, BTW.

The use case for these are really many. Starting with the possibility to react on objects such as:

  • Asset (SFDC standard that can be mapped as a custom)
  • Licence (custom object created to assign licenses for demo products)


Not applicable

You can do it now, with some limitations: Trigger Off Custom Object Changes - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

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Status changed to: Open Ideas