Create a user group for B2C retail/e-commerce


Create a user group for B2C retail/e-commerce

I love that Marketo has some industry-specific user groups. Unfortunately none of them are a good fit for my current situation. The company I am with now mainly uses Marketo for B2C marketing to our e-commerce customers. I know Marketo is typically used for B2B, and that's how I had been using it until recently, but I have a feeling there are a lot more B2C marketers out there and it would be great if we could all learn from each other.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Tara Dacci​ the awesome thing about MUGs is that you can spearhead your own as long as you get Marketo's approval on it. I would recommend reaching out to Elise Hudson​​ with your plan, probably to create a Virtual MUG specifically for B2C e-commerce customers. I started a MUG in my city and it's a lot easier if you have a co-leader, so if you know someone else in the space who is good at events you can recruit them to be your partner. Marketo needs to review your MUG plan first (who are you targeting? how often will you have meetings?), but it's a great way to get involved!

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Thanks Christina. I appreciate all the info, especially who to contact.

Level 6

Hi both! Kelsey Bourque​ actually leads and manages the MUG program now. She will be able to guide you with all things MUGs!

Level 2

Hi Tara Dacci‌,

I would be interested in joining a B2C virtual MUG group. Unfortunately, the MUG groups I participate in are all B2B.

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Same here! I need to get with Kelsey about starting this up. I will keep you posted! 

Level 3

hi Tara Dacci‌ i'd also be interested as we're doing a lot of b2c work in marketo,



Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Thanks Robert. I reached out to Kelsey so I hope to have an update shortly. 

Level 2

HI Tara Dacci‌,

If you're looking for a partner to help get the B2C MUG group organized and started, I'd love to help. Just let me know.

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

I am and I would love that. Drop me a line at so we can chat directly. 

Level 9

Hi Tara Dacci ,


Trust you are doing great! I just came across this thread! Has anything been finalised? Being  the Virtual MUG ambassador for 2019 & having started the India VMUG this year, Id be happy to assist you in getting started.


Let me know if you require any help or tips in setting up your VMUG.  Please feel free to reach me at


Best Always,

Karan Hari