User Permissions - Permit a ROLE to be defined for JUST downloading Smart List subscriptions (GDPR compliance)


User Permissions - Permit a ROLE to be defined for JUST downloading Smart List subscriptions (GDPR compliance)

Wanting to ability to create a user role that can ONLY download the resulting SMART LIST SUBSCRIPTION file they are sent via email to ensure GDPR compliance for secure data transfer.

Currently you can either:

1) Allow any recipient to of the smart list subscription email to download the resulting CSV file behind the DOWNLOAD button

- ie results in non-secure file transfer as anyone who clicks the DOWNLOAD link in the email can get the resulting CSV file.


2) Require a user to login to download the CSV file (via setting within the ADMIN area / Roles etc.)

- BUT It is not currently possible to set a permission to JUST download the CSV file you have been sent.

Marketo Support suggested closest permissions available were:

ACCESS Database + Export User

BUT This results in the user being able to access the ENTIRE Database and DOWNLOAD the ENTIRE database

- also not desirable, nor GDPR compliant.

Surely it cant be so hard to set a permission to allow a user role to be defined who can ONLY click DOWNLOAD in smart list subscription email, LOGIN, and immediately get the download file WITHOUT exposing them to the entire database?

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Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas