Colors, Images and Event Capacity

Colors, Images and Event Capacity


Why not have custom colors recorded into the color palette. Every time you login into Marketo your custom colors will be already there, this would save time and you will only need to enter the code once.


Why not have transformation tools to re-size images and include text wrap selections.

Event Capacity:

I run many events via Marketo and I cannot cap these events at a certain number due to capacity. It would be amazing if Marketo could introduce a section where you can enter the set number you are allowing people to attend. For example 'Sophie's empowerment workshop' only caters for 30 attendees, once the event has reached 30 they will need to contact the event organizer.

Not applicable

Custom Colors set in a "super admin" section has been an idea for years. Any luck on getting this closer to in production? It would really help maintain brand consistency.

Not applicable

Event capacities with an automatic wait list would be a very nice upgrade to the list of Marketo's capabilities.

I hope Marketo will add this in to help manage

Level 7

Custom colors would be AMAZING. We could upload our color palette instead of copying and pasting the HEX code every time we want to use a color.

Level 10

These are 3 ideas.

The third one duplicates this :


Level 10

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Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas