Clicking on item in History should bring you to that place on left nav tree

Clicking on item in History should bring you to that place on left nav tree

When I first log into Marketo and on the left of the My Marketo Screen, i have my History, the programs and emails and smart campaigns that i was working on when I was last in Marketo.

However, when I click on, say, a program called 'product A email nurture', The main Marketo area on the right shows the Summary page of the program, but the left hand nav, which is now in Marketing Activities, is not showing where my 'product A email nurture' program is. I need to navigate through the folders on the left to find it. 

Would be Awesome if we could have Marketo's left hand nav move right to the place on the tree where you clicked in the history (whether it be in Marketing activies, design studio, LD, etc.)

BTW, this is similar to this idea posted by one of my favorite Marketo Employees:

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Status changed to: Open Ideas