Click Implies Open


Click Implies Open

I noticed that some leads had clicks in MSI but not opens, which confused my sales team. I asked support and they told me that my leads were using Gmail and probably had images turned off by default. This meant that they had opened and clicked, but no open was counted due to the images turned off.

IMHO, if there's a click there was an implied open and Marketo should record an open in the lead's history. This was an update a few years ago in my old MA system that had this logic and it made sense to me. I think Marketo should do the same.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

I think it should be a different activity type.  If we combine real opens and synthetic "opens" (which are really more like "reads" in the sense that they don't include images) we lose reporting on how often images are viewed.

Also, the timing can't be accurate because someone may have read an email at 10pm but clicked at 2pm.  If you log an open at the time of the click, that's distorted, too.

Level 10

Like the idea, under the condition that Sanford's addendum to it is implemented.


Not applicable

I agree and I like the idea of having reporting be "Opens" "Implied Opens" and "Total Assumed Opens". So you could have 10 opens where the image displayed, 5 implied opens where links were clicked and your total assumed is 10+5.

That way you could see all the data and your company could choose which of the statistics you'd like to use.

Marketo Employee

Brought this up a while ago.

Not applicable

Now I'm very confused, since support just told me that this is being recorded as an open in Analytics (just not in MSI). So they already have the functionality in some areas I suppose? It really confused me when I saw 1500 opens for a recent email but a smart list only showed 900 people "opened email". Weird.

Level 10

Hi Christina,

Marketo does not log an open if the tracker image is not downloaded, and therefore you may be in the situation where a lead appears in a "clicks link in email" smart list but not in the "Opens email" smart list.

But in an email performance reports, Marketo will make sure that all clicks also count as an open.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas