Automatically Create ICS calendar Files for Events


Automatically Create ICS calendar Files for Events

I'd love it if Marketo could automatically create a Webinar .ics file the way WebEx does. It would be a time saver, but I already save so much time with the new plug-in that this is definitely not a deal breaker.

Not applicable
This feature was delivered in our release over the weekend:
Level 4

I have a couple of questions about this:

1. The ICS file token can be used in email (great!), but it does not seem work if we try to include the token in the registration "Thank You" page. That seems like it should be a trivial fix. Is this supposed to work in both contexts?

2. I don't see how to add the ICS file as an attachment to the email. Is this part of the scope of this request? Having it as an attachment is a big deal as many email / calendar clients will read that automatically and add the item to the calendar in a tentative / to be accepted state. That's a big win. Possible?

Thanks for any input.

Not applicable
1) Support for the calendar file on landing pages is coming in our May release (5/21/13)

2) We currently do not support attachments so at this time it is not possible.
Level 4
Thanks for the update.

The temporary work around for #1 is that you can manually put the URL into the page. The token renders out an extra host in the current web URL, so if you pull the root path from there and use your current host, it will work.
Community Manager
Status changed to: In Production