I'd love it if Marketo could automatically create a Webinar .ics file the way WebEx does. It would be a time saver, but I already save so much time with the new plug-in that this is definitely not a deal breaker.
John I find this trivialization of Dr. King inappropriate. Not trying to start a debate here. I just know that participating in any community requires speaking your mind about standards and I want to leave a friendly message to say "not cool" and move on. Hope you enjoy the holiday!
Yes it will. This is the key reason why we need to build the ICS file in Marketo. You can load one into Marketo today manually but the tokens will not resolve. I'm hoping to deliver this by the end of Q1 2013.
Just to clarify, will the calendar file token populate with a url link to the ICS file, or will it actually be attached to the email? I assume the former, but wanted to make sure. The new release notes dont clarify.