Automated "Smart" Tests

Automated "Smart" Tests

I think it would be really cool if you were able to setup A/B tests so that Marketo could automatically identify a winner and default to the winner without a user having to make the change manually.

For example, when you setup an A/B test for two landing pages, you could add a rule that says "whatever landing page is converting better after 200 visits automatically send all leads to that page"

This would be awesome in drip campaigns especially, where if you setup tests for many variables throughout various emails and landing pages in the drip (subject lines, copy, design elements, forms, etc.), overtime, your drips would automatically collect data, build intelligence, and become smarter and smarter withou you having to go back and make manual changes.
Not applicable
It would be OK as an option, but not as the default action.  If the difference between an A/B test is small, I would want to choose the winner myself.
Not applicable
Agreed, of course. You would only have the option to use it if you wanted to, and it would be nice to be able to set the margin that constitutes a clear winner.

  It would be sweet if you could use it in both flow steps and tokens as well. For example "wait 4 days > Random Sample 50 : Send email > winner test A/B, Default: Send Email > winner test C/D" then the CTA link to the landing page in the email could be a token that says "Winner.Test.123".

I think it would also be cool if you could archive and tag these winners in Marketo so that you would be able to analyze the data over time. I'd like to be able to press a tab that says "show me all my subject line winners this year", and then you can slice and dice that data any way you want to look for trends.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas