Allow multiple triggered Smart Lists for a single Smart Campaign

Allow multiple triggered Smart Lists for a single Smart Campaign

I often want to say "Trigger 1 and Filter 1" OR "Trigger 2 and Filters 2 and 3". This is not possible because if I use two triggers and multiple filters, the filter logic will apply to both triggers. It'd be convenient to be able to use super advanced logic (number the triggers and enable their use in the logic) or just use two Smart Lists for the same campaign.
Not applicable
I actually just had this problem. I ended up needing to create 6 different Trigger Campaigns so that a person would get a follow-up form if they completed any combination of 4 different forms. This would be a great addition.
Not applicable
Great idea David!
Not applicable
Thanks Elliott 😄 that means a lot coming from Marketo's #1 community member haha
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas