Asset URL Redirect


Asset URL Redirect

Some times you have assets like white papers or data sheets. It would be great if you could update the file and create a re-direct from the old asset to the new one.

It would also be great if we could track how many times the asset was viewed, downloaded, forwarded to friends, or printed.

Level 6

Maybe in doing that we could even create a better way to track asset access based on hits to that specific asset's link.

Not applicable

Our company has a content solution called "Seismic" : . This tool is mainly used for sales to serve relavent content to prospects, however, they also can use custom objects and activities and snippets in the design studio to bring in content into Marketo. You can control the content in Seismic and this will allow you switch out content when it changes without having to change the URL. Additionally, Seismic has advanced analytics on views of content.

Not applicable

I'm curious if anyone knows of a reason why this wouldn't be supported if both the original file and new file are both hosted in Design Studio?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Because the static assets don't go through the redirect pipeline but are read directly from the webserver's filesystem (this is the case with a lot of webservers depending on config).

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas