Approve email programs in the background

Approve email programs in the background

Currently, an email program will not approve for us if we navigate away from the page below while the program is still approving.

This is not ideal, especially for larger and more complicated lists that take up to an hour to process and approve.

It would be fantastic if these programs could approve in the background and we have the ability to send ourselves an email when the program status has been resolved.

Not applicable
Hi Charlie,

We actually do approve the email program in the background.  The approval should continue if you navigate away, but the you should not be able to close the window or refresh without an alert message if the save is in progress.  

Have you seen the alert message?  

Not applicable
Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for responding. I have seen the alert message, but there have been instances where I've stayed on the page for a few minutes, navigated away (without any alert), and came back to see the program unapproved.

I know now that this is not intended behavior and will call support if I see it happening again.

Can someone please take down this idea?

Not applicable
HI Charlie,

Yes please let us know if you recreate this.  I would treat it as a bug rather than an idea. 

Level 7
We are experiencing the same behavior, Charlie. I have found that logging out of Marketo and back in will usually help the program get approved much faster and stay that way (I've seen approved email programs turn unapproved, so I just double and triple check them).
Not applicable

Have you opened up a ticket for this by any chance?  If not, please alert support if this happens again. I'd really like to fix this. We'll do some additional testing in house, but any additional information is helpful.

Level 7
Hi Cheryl,

No, it hasn't bothered me enough to open a ticket. 🙂 Working a ticket seems to take quite a bit of time and energy on our part and I didn't think this issue warranted it. If it worsens or becomes a larger nuisance, I will be sure to open a ticket, though. Glad to hear you are going to work on it!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas