Allow templates to be changed after email created


Allow templates to be changed after email created

We have found that we will want to test out different templates, but cannot change the template once we have created an email. The biggest time that we run into this is we have our company logo template in English and French. If I want to clone an English email to simply add the French text, I cannot do this because I can't change easily from one template to another. It adds extra steps and causes me to have to have the English version open at the same time to make sure the formatting is the same. I want to have a button so that I can easily change the template once I have started working on an email.
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You can do it in HubSpot! If Marketo wants to be competitive, then they need to make it happen. 
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You can do it in HubSpot! If Marketo wants to be competitive, then they need to make it happen. 
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It works for the landing pages (when you clone it, you can change the template) then It may not be very difficult to make toe same thing with the eMails! 
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yeah this seems like a pretty basic feature...
Not applicable can't do this?
So I can't see a thumbnail of the template when I chose it, and I cant change it afterwards, and I can't delete the email from the campaign or program because its in use....
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It would be usefull to be able to change the template that an email is using.

For example, our company has a number of emails in use for a particular region, and the emails are all being cloned and localised for another region. It's very simple to clone all of the emails and campaigns, however, as others have commented above, cloning is almost useless because you have to 1) create all of the emails from scratch, 2) copy and paste the content into the new emails, 3) approve all the emails, 3) add all the emails to stream, 4) remove all the old emails from streams, 5) add all the new emails to campaigns, etc. 4) remove all the old emails from campaigns, 5) unapprove all the old emails, 6) delete all the old, cloned emails. 

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Word.  It'd also be really nice to be working in an email and be able to just save that email as a template once you have it as you want it.  I hate that we can only create an email template in the designer.  Am I right here, or is there a way to save an email you're working on as a template? 

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Good Idea Scott M.  Maybe there is already an Idea for that? If not, you should post it. I Think it would be nice if the tool you use to design an email were the same as the tool you use to design a template. I could see that functionality getting appropriately consolidated and simplified.
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Ya I couldn't find anything closer to the idea than this thread.   

Just posted the idea, thanks for the support Brandy. 

It's here

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Agree on most of the suggestions in this thread, particularly changing template and previewing template!