Allow snippets to be used in segmented content

Allow snippets to be used in segmented content

We use snippets extensively in our emails and landing pages.  It would be very useful to be able to use them within the dynamic content blocks (that are based on segementations).  Anytime you want to use dynamic content, you can only use actual content, not snippets.
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Hmm. I think this is already the way it works Dan. 

I have a Segment for SDR. Then I have a Snippet for SDR Signature. At the bottom of all of my emails I have a div for SDR signature. I just go into the email, replace with snippet.

Isn't that what you're talking about?

In your snippet editor, on the right side, you can find "segment by" and that's where you can customize dynamic content.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Adam - what I'm referring to is the ability to use dynamic content within an email - and the footer/disclaimer being one of those areas.  Take, for example, an email that's being sent out in our Nordic workspace.  We have a "Country" segmentation that's shared across all workspaces.  For this specific email, we need to insert the appropriate footer for the respective country - either Norway, Sweden, Finland or Denmark.  Once you enable the "segment by" feature for an editable region, you lose all ability to use your snippets (see how it's grayed out below?).  It's either one or the other - you can't do both.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Adam - I stand corrected.  While using dynamic content and snippets with the approach I described above isn't available, it worked just as desired when creating a specific snippet (in this case, "Nordic - footer"), defining my segmented content withint the snippet, and then adding that new snippet to the email.  Thanks for describing another way to make this work!
Not applicable
Right. Instead of making the section of the email dynamic, you make the snippet dynamic & add it to the section.   

So you start first with Country Footer Snippet. Then in the Snippet you make the default value, then you "Segment by" and choose which Segment to make the content Dynamic. Add in the Footers for the other various regions. 

Then back in your email, you replace the footer with the snippet. The Dynamic Segmentation carries over from the Segment & you're done.

Make sense?
Not applicable
You will definitely need a div per dynamic snippet. It won't work with a single email body div.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
We have a separate editable region in our templates just for the footer - so we've got this piece covered.  I just tested it and worked great.  Thanks again, Adam!
Not applicable
No worries. Glad it worked out well for you!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it