Allow Rich Text Below Form Button


Allow Rich Text Below Form Button

Would be nice to be able to add rich text below form buttons for things like privacy policy, trial agreements, etc.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

You can do this today.  The highlighted area is a rich text area:


Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Hey Dan,

I know you can insert Rich Text below fields and above the button, but i would love to be able to put rich text below the button.

That make sense?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Got it - makes sense.  I didn't catch "below the submit button".  In our company, for example, our legal team requires all disclaimer text to appear above the button to ensure the user sees it before submitting the form.  Personally, I prefer it below it.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

You can do this with the same code I linked to in Flexibility of the form layout with progressive profiling .

Just need to give the Rich Text area something to identify itself (since Marketo doesn't otherwise tag those HTML blocks).  Add an <input type="hidden" name="privacyPolicy"> inside it. Then you can use the reordering code and identify the Rich Text as 'privacyPolicy'.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

did Marketo preemptively check this as 'already have it' or just fail to provide an example?

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Hey Sanford Whiteman​ -- when you say "add an input type... inside it (being the rich text field?) what does that mean? I put your code inside my text box and marketo stripped out a bunch of it and it didn't work as I had anticipated... help?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Like add the <input> inside the RTA, like any other HTML element. 

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Okay - we figured out how to control the rich text field -- but now my dev guy is saying we need to be able to reference the button as well in order to move it up -- I don't have any edit fields there, what code do I give him to do that?

Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it