Allow apiOnly to do a complete disabling of various Munchkin functions


Allow apiOnly to do a complete disabling of various Munchkin functions

I would like to be able to record Munchkin cookie IDs on certain sites without necessarily having to use any of the functionality available via Munchkin (page views, clicks, etc.)--I just want to be able to translated passed mkt_tok values back to a cookie value so that this data can be recorded and reconciled in big data reporting. Right now, this can be somewhat approximated using tracking parameters and data reconciliation on other factors to see who directly came from something like an email or got an email and later visited the site, but this is not 1:1 accurate to the degree I'd like it to be. There's still a slight margin of error.

Being able to selectively disable (or fully disable all functions) via "apiOnly": "true" would go a long way towards making a better single view of the customer and would be useful in edge cases such as this.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

If it's solely for cases when you have a mkt_tok (thus the lead must be knowable) can you not run associateLead with a precomputed associator token? That is, store the associator token on the lead itself, serve it up as a {{lead.token}}, run associateLead. Thus you have an associated session but no view/click recorded.

Level 10

Oh, geez. That could work—I could pass the lead ID as a parameter via the email since they're all known to the system and then POST to associateLead, but that would eat up more API calls than I'd care to, even if it only executes at the start of the session vs. every page. It just seems like a lot of heavy lifting for something that should work out of the box.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Munchkin API calls aren't metered (I definitely didn't mean the REST API!). But you can't just use the Lead ID, you need the associator token (hash of secret + email). So that needs to exist beforehand.

Level 10

Ohhhhh! That's a lot more sane. Might be possible to do that with some fussing.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Yeah, you can use JS webhook or Apex in SFDC (I have a blog post on that) to gen the associator tokens. Or Velocity (which would be perfect) though I never posted the code for that.

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