Adding tokens to RTP ads


Adding tokens to RTP ads

I would love the ability to add tokens to RTP ads. It would be great to be able to welcome people back by name to make it really personal.

Not applicable
I'm wondering if this will be part of the capability of display ads via the new Ad Bridge feature -- does anyone know yet?  

Seems like it should be possible via RTP as well, at least where the lead is already in our database.
Level 4

Referring to RTP Campaigns not Ads, the a company name token available in RTP. You can use the token ${companyName} in the RTP campaign editor, which will display the visitor's organization name in the real-time campaign. Another option is to use the READ API option to generate the organization name. We may look into adding more tokens for RTP use.

Regarding Ad Bridge, using RTP related to Personalized Remarketing, where you can remarket through Google and Facebook based on RTP data (Industry, company size, named account lists, known lead data etc..) is managed through the Google and Facebook interfaces, so as far as I know they are not customizable with token use.

Level 2

Is tokens within RTP campaigns (not ads) on the Marketo product development road map?  This would dramatically transform and improve the possibilities with RTP.

Level 2

Does this mean we can use tokens in RTP campaigns?  If so, are there instructions in the community or in Product Docs? 

Level 2

Is there documentation on how to implement the token ${companyName} is it in the Java Script or in the HTML of the RTP campaign?

Level 4

Example Below Add the field ${companyName} in the Web Personalization Editor and this will show the company name in the Web Personalization Campaign.

Note: This Company Name is from Web Personalization's Organization Page and matching the web visitor based ont heir company. It is recommended to use for ABM web campaigns only when the Company Name is known, otherwise there is a chance an ISP name can appear in this Company Name place.


The Web Dialog Campaign looks like this on the webpage when I visited from the Marketo offices.


Level 1

Hi David, I tried using ${companyName} in a web personalization piece, but it doesn't appear to work in the preview. Would the campaign have to be set live to see it work in action?

Not applicable

Hi All,

An update on this topic as we roll out our Fall '17 release this week, in Web Personalization we know support Lead and Company tokens, so within the HTML editor of a Web Campaign, you can click on the Token's icon and add a known lead token related to Leads and Company data from your Marketo Database. You can also set a default value in place.

See the addition of tokens to this documentation: Using the Web Personalization Rich Text Editor - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation

NOTE: We not supporting My Tokens at this stage.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas