Add "Leads" filter to organization report in Insightera

Add "Leads" filter to organization report in Insightera

The organization report in Insigherta should have a "leads" column added to it. Right now you can click on the individual organization and see how many leads there are within the organization but you cannot look at it in the wholeistic view. Since the data is there, it would be great to see this at the report level.

Level 4

Hi Leah,

Thanks for the idea,

An Organization in the Organizaitons page, can consist of several different visitors from that one Organization, that could also include more than one leads, hence the need to show it separate with a link to the Leads page (showing the leads from that Organization.

You can also see the individual Lead (email address) per Organization by going to the Analytics > Visitors Page.

Check that out.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it