Add lookupField support to Bulk Import Program Membership API call


Add lookupField support to Bulk Import Program Membership API call

Today, when using the Bulk Lead Import endpoint with the REST API, users are given the option to declare a lookupField for deduplication matching. This allows for closer control over what versions of a record are updated--particularly if secondary forms of identification, like Marketo ID or Salesforce Lead ID, are used in lieu of email.


However, this same functionality isn't available for the Bulk Import Program Member endpoint; you are instead reliant on email for matching. Would it be possible to get lookupField support added to this call? I'm particularly interested in Marketo ID but would appreciate any other non-email matching available. This is also particularly strange in light of the one-off call for syncing program member data actually requiring the Marketo ID instead.

1 Comment
Level 5

In addition to the benefits listed above, this would be awesome for consistency. 


Use Case

We would like to be able to add/remove members to any program regardless of channel based on Marketo Id or other external identifier. This would ensure intentional duplicates are not affected, specific intended persons are added and management can be based on a system/platform identifier.



Our team uses marketo to manage multiple communication channels - email, direct mail, sms, and many more - not all of these channels require email address.


I am familiar with APIs to an extent, and work with developers to connect our external systems to marketo. Our developers (and I) mistakenly assumed that the same lookupFields applied to all bulk imports simply due to naming. Seeing "Bulk Import" for program members we thought that it would follow the same framework as Bulk Lead import just with added requirements