Add a "first time" constraint to "opens email" and "clicks link in email" triggers and "email opened" and "click link in email" filters, as well as to "Visits web page" trigger and "visited web page" filter

Add a "first time" constraint to "opens email" and "clicks link in email" triggers and "email opened" and "click link in email" filters, as well as to "Visits web page" trigger and "visited web page" filter

We sometimes need to do some actions the first time a lead opens and email. The "run through the flow once" qualification rule cannot cannot work to get the following behavior:

  • Mr. X opens email A once --> run through the flow once
  • Mr. X opens email A twice --> run through the flow once
  • Mr. X opens email A once and email B once --> run through the flow twice (once for each email)

I do not want to create 1 smart campaign per email, because I will end up with hundreds of trigger campaigns, that will not be good for maintenance neither for performance.

So what we would need is a "first time" constraint that will limit the trigger or filter to Once per email.

See use cases here: Emails Opened vs. Emails Delivered - By Lead  and Opens per lead

Another exemple would be to easily limit scoring to giving one point when the email is opened or clicked the first time and not afterwards.

The same applies to web pages as we need to make sure for instance that a lead has visited 2 different web pages and not twice the same one.


Level 10

Second thought : BtW, this may be useful to many other triggers or filters...


Not applicable

Like Greg mentioned, this would help in a lot of different use cases where you are trying to score engagement. Specifically in our case, we wanted a way to send leads to sales who have engaged with 2 or more different emails in our campaigns. Sounds simple enough but it gets tricky fast when you have a full nurture program built out.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

I'd also like a At Most X Clicks...

Not applicable

I also think this will help in the instances where there are bots of sorts out there "clicking" away, running things amuck.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

But the first click can't be known to be a bot click or human click.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas