Ability to ONLY approve the template changes

Ability to ONLY approve the template changes


sometimes we are doing so template changes and then we have to massively update our landing pages. However when we do so, we also approve landing pages that have been unapproved b/c they were inactive or obsolete. It would be nice if we had option to say, only approve the changes but leave the landing page in its previous status (if previously unapproved before template changes, then page stays unapproved after the update).

Cécile @ Talend

Not applicable

Hi Cecile,

I'm currently working on a feature to address this use case. The idea is that when you update a LP template, those changes will be pushed upstream to all LP's using it while retaining their previous statuses. Essentially, approved LP's will receive the updates and stay approved vs. being auto-drafted. All LP drafts will receive the updates and stay in draft mode.

Are you using a free form or guided landing page template?



Level 10

I'm not sure I understand what free form vs guided LP is? Are you asking if I can move around my block texts within the pages?

Usually the top banner and footer as well as the form background are static. All the other components can be moved around.
Does that answer your question?

Not applicable


Guided landing page templates are pre-set templates (structurally) that you can download for use. They are helpful for those who don't want to mess with the HTML editor. Free form templates are those you create from the ground up using the HTML editor.

I suppose the better question is, what kinds of changes you are making to your templates? The feature I mentioned above would push template changes to approved landing pages w/out drafting them. This is a big deal if a user deletes/changes section of the template vs. making small changes such as to the footer etc. It would have a permanent impact on the approved landing pages.

Any insight into your use cases would be really helpful

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas