SFDC Record Type Names Instead of IDs

SFDC Record Type Names Instead of IDs

It would be incredibly helpful to be able to select record types based on their name instead of their ID. Names are more meaningful and would help Marketo and SFDC admins be more aligned on what's what.

Please vote!
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In Salesforce Record Type Name is closely associated with Record Type Id. But if you would like to populate Record Type Name in Marketo, then you can create a custom field in Salesforce with Record Type name populated and then sync this new field in Marketo.
Level 9 - Champion Alumni
We had our SFDC Admin create fields such as Record Type ID Name and have them populate the name based on the field value as Kapil suggestd - helpful! 
Not applicable
Thanks Kapil and Kimi for the tip!!

Still would really like for this to be out of the box functionality within Marketo versus a work around. Those Record Type IDs give me the heebie jeebies. 😃
Not applicable
I agree with Rachelle ... It would be a lot more useful for the Marketo users to be able to select Record Types by Name and not Id.   Our company is facing the same challenge.   We have marketing people using Marketo that don't understand the internal Id's in Salesforce, nor should they be expected to understand them.

The Salesforce RecordType object has three fields that Marketo could key in on ... Id, Name, and SObjectType.   I'd like to see Marketo query all the records in this object and then use SObjectType to filter down to only the records that are applicable to the object in Marketo being queried.   For example, if you're setting up a Smart List for Accounts them only the records where SObjectType = "Account" would be displayed to the user.    Ideally, it would be a dropdown list of the values in the Name field.   Marketo could then substitute in the RecordTypeId after the user selects the Name.
Not applicable
Adding fields that duplicate existing data ultimately bloats the system. Sure, one seems okay, but all too soon, one becomes hundreds as all the groups using Salesforce start adding them. We had this very problem with our old CRM.
Level 10

Hi Scott K. Wilder​,

Could we have this idea reopened for vote. It's still a pending issue and a lot of customers are bumping into it, getting very confused by these 18 char IDs.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it