Fix Issue with Selecting Clicking Items

Fix Issue with Selecting Clicking Items

It might only be me, but on whatever browser I am on (Mozilla, Safari, IE, etc) whether it be a Mac or PC, I have the issue where you right click on an item, let's say a form for example in the left navigation window and I continuously have to click out and click back in to get the action to work sometimes two to three times.

Small problem, but I'm sure people find it to be annoying.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Agree, this does get quite annoying.  I find this behavior usually occuring when I left-click on an item and then immediately right-click.  I'm forced to click elsewhere and then return to the item by only right-clicking to get the contextual menu to appear.

BTW, I would re-title this so that it appears as an actionable "Idea" for Marketo to consider.
Not applicable
Agreed, this can get annoying quickly!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas