Ability to insert line break in the flow action Change Data Value


Ability to insert line break in the flow action Change Data Value

For fields that are used to store historical values, there is no ability to add a line break. It runs as a continuous stream of text which makes it really hard to read.  Marketo currently strips all the codes <br>, /n or any other code  that provide this functionality.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

It's actually possible to add a line break token (I call  mine {{my.linebreak}}) using a little trick.  DM me if you're interested.  And yes, I'm talking about an actual ASCII 10.

(Ashley Ayan​ I realized you could store it in a token and not have to worry about redoing it when saving the flow. Try it!)

Level 10

Hey, Sanford! Can you send me this trick when you have a chance? I tried DM'ing you, but it wouldn't let me.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Hmm, it should since we follow each other.  Anyway, send me an email and I'll walk you through it.

Marketo Employee

I'll attest to Sanford's method. Made me look like a hero.

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Much better than a pipe symbol, slash, semi-colon, etc. separating concatenated values.  Please send me this technique as well.

Marketo Employee

It can't be sent, it has to be handed down as it's a multi-step process that needs to be seen to be believed. There is also an initiation ritual that goes along with it - kind of degrading and borderline abuse - but Sanford insisted I never teach without getting paid a tribute that can be passed along to him.

Level 10

Email sent!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Sanford Whiteman​,

Is it possible to do this another way using RegEx?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Marketo doesn't support RegEx, so no....

Level 10 - Champion Alumni


Would you mind sending this to me or passing along the link?

We're not yet connected so I can't PM.
