Ability to delete and/or update Interesting Moments


Ability to delete and/or update Interesting Moments

I would like the ability to either outright delete interesting moments or to be able to modify them when necessary.  We have been taking a look at the interesting moments lately and quite frankly some historical things just aren't relevant and/or they were things we wouldn't consider interesting moment worthy today and I would like to clean that up.  Also we have tried implementing new interesting moments and they have not all worked out like we would have liked them too and we would like to back those out of the system.  That list can get really cluttered and we would like to have the ability to tailor it as we grow as an organization to what things we think are most important.
Level 2

@kh-billfWhere can I upvote to delete Interesting Moments? 

Level 5

Septepmber 2020 here... is it possible or not yet?

Level 1

100% needed!! 💯💯💯💯

Level 1



Level 1

Definitely needed. There are issues where Interesting Moment "writes" to the Sales Insight piece, even if a Marketo User accidentally leaves it blank, resulting in a "?" result that is causing issues for our Salesforce team and an integrated leads portal -- 



Marketo Employee
Status changed to: No plans to build

We will not be implementing the ability to change the details of activities written to the Activity Log of which Interesting Moments are part of.

Unable to delete interesting moments is a also a privacy issues. Within some legislations, like GDPR, it is very difficult to justify why you store an information that someone Downloaded a whitepaper 5 years ago, not to mention for example Events related Interesting Moments, where you are storing an information where a person was physically present on what time. There should definitely be a way to manipulate interesting moments, delete them automatically after some time etc.


Or alternatively, provide a suggestion on how to deal with data erasure required by law within the context of Interesting moments.