Re: Cadence Change Question

Level 2

Cadence Change Question

I am new to Marketo, sorry if this question is confusing.

I have a drip stream engagement program with a series of emails. The first email was sent out. Then management wanted me to increase the audience size which I did. They want me to send emails again this week, but I currently have my stream set up to go out on the 8th of every month.

If I change my Stream Cadence for the FIRST CAST from MARCH 8, to MARCH 23; will everyone who already received the first email receive it again? Or will the system know the first email went out March 8 to select people?

I am trying to send out the first email this week only to people who were just added to the program. I understand people who already got the 1st email will get the 2nd one, that is fine, but how can I change the stream cadence to a particular date and time without messing up its understanding that some people already got the 1st email.

Please let me know how I can clarify if needed. I'd appreciate any assistance on this matter.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Cadence Change Question


Welcome to Marketo.

Firstly, for a prompt response to your discussion, you should move this to Products​ as Community Help and Feedback​ is meant for questions about this Community Portal itself.

If you change the stream cadence's first cast to March 23rd, those in the stream who received Email #1 will then receive Email #2 in the stream on March 23rd and those who did not receive Email #1 will receive Email #1 on March 23rd. Engagement streams will not send the same stream content to the same lead more than once.

What I would do is create a separate batch smart campaign that pauses the leads who have already received Email #1, so that on March 23 when the next cast is run, only those who did not receive Email #1 will have a normal cadence in the stream and receive Email #1. Then un-pause those leads after March 23rd and all leads will have received Email #1 and are waiting for the next cast where they will all receive Email #2 at the same time.