[Dynamic Chat Survey] Give Feedback on Live Chat Performance

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Hello Dynamic Chat community!


I'm a UX designer on the DC team and we're looking to improve the Live Chat Performance dashboard. To do this, we want to hear from you - what metrics do you want to see on this dashboard? Please rank the importance of these below. If you think of any not on this list, please feel free to comment those as well. 


- Total live chats initiated

- Average chat time

- Average response time

- Missed chats (no agents available, agents available but no response, or system error)

- Completed (closed by agent/visitor)

- Dropped 


Some points to consider/guide your thought process:

1) When you come to the Live Chat dashboard, what are you trying to see? What's the first thing you want to check?

2) How do you want to see this information? Chart, table, funnel, something else? 


Thank you in advance for your time and feedback! We look forward to hearing from you.

Level 1

Hey Candice,


Here's the order from my perspective - 

- Missed chats (no agents available, agents available but no response, or system error)

- Completed (closed by agent/visitor)

- Total live chats initiated

- Dropped

- Average chat time

- Average response time


I'd also like to see how many people used the AI question/answer function as currently this is mainly what we use yet we have no reporting on how many people start the process. 

Level 5


Hi! We've gone pretty deep into our Instance's Dynamic Chat. Would love to assist. To be fair, we haven't gone too far into the live chat feature yet. Here's my order of importance:


  1. Completed (closed by agent/visitor)
  2. Dropped
  3. Average chat time
  4. Average response time
  5. Total live chats initiated
  6. Missed chats (no agents available, agents available but no response, or system error)

I would love to see more reporting around goals. We have a few goals set up for dialogue flows like event registration, email sign up, and more. Would love to see 'completed' by goal they reached, etc. A funnel approach could be really powerful for this. 



Marketo Employee

Thanks for the feedback Jack!

Marketo Employee

Thanks for the feedback Gareth!